Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary.
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Permaculture Design Certificates




This Thought-Seeding statement is prompting people of every nation to lobby all levels of their local, state and national governments to enable the 72-hour curriculum of Permaculture learning to be integrated into all youth, refugee and asylum-seeking detention centres, as well as in correctional services facilities, refugee camps, and Tent Cities for the Homeless.

Furthermore, the 72 hours of Permaculture learning, now more than ever, need to be included in all schools, colleges, universities, and all other institutes of education. This vital information can be learned over weeks, months, and/or years. Anyone can begin learning from now by browsing through the thousands of pages of picture stories and videos by searching for Permaculture stories on Google.

Detailed descriptions of the following 12 Principles of permaculture design can be easily found by a simple Google search:
1. Observe and Interact.
2. Catch and Store Energy.
3. Obtain a Yield.
4. Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback.
5. Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services.
6. Produce No Waste.

Permaculture ethics are: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Efficient food and medicine gardens can be established as productive learning and growing centres in home and school yards, community gardens, detention centres, and jails. Within a decade, increasing numbers of abundant food-forests and eco-villages will be growing in every country. Permaculture action enables everyone to participate in earth repair actions for a sustainable and abundant future for everybody.

Permaculture shows how to co-operate with all of Earth’s elements, species, climates, and peoples, enabling everyone to live lives filled with absolute sustainable abundance in harmony with the Sun, the earth/soil, the wind, and the rain.

Please share this post with friends and family, community organisations, government ministers, and social and mainstream media.

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Vision 2030

Vision 2030: Cultivating Sustainable Abundance through Urban Food Forests

2021: Laying the Permaculture Foundation

In 2021, we find ourselves at the dawn of a transformative era, where our collective vision is directed towards a future that embraces sustainable agriculture and the nurturing power of urban food forests. Our journey begins with the understanding that by shifting our focus from military spending to permaculture practices, we can create thriving ecosystems within urban landscapes that provide abundant food while fostering environmental balance. It is time to lay the foundation for a regenerative world that harmonizes with nature and cultivates sustenance for all.

2024: Cultivating Sustainability through Urban Food Forests

Fast forward to 2024, and we witness a global awakening to the potential of sustainable agriculture and the immense benefits of urban food forests. The ethos of permaculture has taken root, driving the transformation of military expenditures into a force that cultivates abundance in urban settings. Governments and communities worldwide are embracing the concept of urban food forests, integrating them into cityscapes, revitalizing vacant spaces, and empowering local communities to become stewards of their own sustenance. As we cultivate sustainability through these biodiverse and resilient urban ecosystems, we pave the way for a future where food security and ecological harmony coexist within our cities.

2027: Thriving with Urban Food Forest Communities

By 2027, the influence of permaculture and urban food forests has blossomed, giving rise to thriving communities interconnected through a shared commitment to regenerative practices. Urban food forests have become a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture, not only providing nourishment but also restoring neglected urban areas, enhancing biodiversity, and mitigating the impacts of climate change within our cities. These vibrant and diverse urban ecosystems foster resilience, enabling communities to thrive amidst the challenges of urban life. As we harvest the fruits of our collective efforts, we witness the power of urban food forest communities to sustain and nourish us, both physically and spiritually, while transforming our cities into thriving and sustainable oases.

2030: Abundance through Regenerative Urban Food Forests

In the year 2030, we stand in awe of the transformative power of regenerative urban food forests. Our commitment to permaculture and sustainable agriculture has yielded bountiful results, creating a global tapestry of interconnected urban food forest ecosystems. These abundant landscapes within our cities harmonize with nature, producing a diverse array of crops while nurturing the soil, improving air quality, and promoting ecological balance. Through the regeneration of our urban spaces, we have unlocked a future where food security is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality for all, even within the confines of bustling cities. Our shared vision of abundance through regenerative urban food forests has become a beacon of hope, inspiring generations to come and transforming our cities into vibrant, sustainable, and livable spaces.

The journey from 2021 to 2030 represents a remarkable transformation in our approach to sustenance and environmental stewardship within urban environments. By embracing permaculture principles and prioritizing the development of sustainable urban food forests, we can cultivate abundance while revitalizing our cities and restoring the delicate balance of our planet. Let us join hands in fostering a world where permaculture and urban food forests become the pillars of a resilient and nourishing future for humanity and our urban landscapes.

Harnessing Permaculture for Global Sustainability: From Arms Race to Food and Tree Growing Race

In a world gripped by conflict and climate uncertainty, there lies an opportunity for transformative change. Imagine a future where the race for power and dominance is replaced by a collective pursuit of nourishment and ecological harmony. By embracing permaculture principles and ethics, we have the potential to shift the trajectory of our planet, foster climate action, and ensure permanent food security for all future generations. In this blog post, we will explore how redirecting our resources from the arms race to a global food and tree growing race can bring tangible benefits, from reducing wars and conflicts to directly improving the lives of individuals like you.

Changing the Paradigm: Arms Race to Food and Tree Growing Race

The concept of an arms race has long fueled geopolitical tensions and strained international relations. However, by redirecting our collective focus towards a global food and tree growing race, we can usher in a new era of cooperation and sustainability. Instead of investing trillions of dollars into weaponry and defense, imagine channeling those resources into permaculture practices, where the principles of Earth care, people care, and fair share guide our actions. By adopting regenerative approaches to agriculture and nurturing diverse food and tree ecosystems, we can foster a world that thrives on abundance, compassion, and ecological interdependence while taking significant climate action.

Proven Benefits: Less Wars, Increased Stability

  1. Conflict Resolution: By shifting our priorities towards food and tree growing, we diminish the incentives for conflict and aggression that often arise from resource scarcity and competition. As communities become more self-sufficient through permaculture-based practices, tensions over limited resources are alleviated, leading to reduced instances of wars and conflicts. This shift contributes to climate action by redirecting resources towards sustainable practices rather than destructive military endeavors.
  2. Peacebuilding: Emphasizing food security and ecological stewardship creates a common ground for collaboration among nations. The shared goal of ensuring sustainable nourishment and climate stability encourages diplomacy, cooperation, and the pursuit of peaceful resolutions. By fostering dialogue and cooperation through permaculture practices, we can build a more peaceful and interconnected global community, working hand in hand to tackle the pressing climate challenges we face.
  3. Resource Redistribution: The global food and tree growing race offers an opportunity to address inequalities and inequities in resource distribution. Permaculture’s focus on fair share encourages the redistribution of resources, ensuring that the benefits of sustainable agriculture and tree growing reach all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status. This equitable distribution promotes social justice and empowers individuals to take climate action within their communities, fostering a sense of ownership and shared responsibility.

Stabilizing Earth’s Climate: A Path to Permanent Food Security

One of the greatest challenges of our time is the destabilization of Earth’s climate, resulting in unpredictable weather patterns and threats to food production. Through permaculture practices and the global pursuit of food and tree growing, we have the means to mitigate climate change and ensure long-term food security for future generations. By regenerating ecosystems, sequestering carbon, and nurturing resilient food forests, we can create a positive feedback loop that stabilizes the climate and nurtures the abundance required for permanent food security while driving significant climate action.

Proven Benefits: Climate Change Reduction, Individual Prosperity

  1. Carbon Sequestration: Permaculture-based food and tree growing systems have the inherent ability to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mitigating the greenhouse effect and reducing the impacts of climate change. By adopting these practices on a global scale, we can significantly contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions, helping to stabilize the Earth’s climate and safeguarding the future of our planet. This climate action creates a sustainable environment for future generations

, ensuring their well-being and prosperity.

  1. Resilient Food Systems: Permaculture principles empower individuals and communities to create resilient food systems that adapt to changing climates. By diversifying crops, implementing water conservation techniques, and nurturing regenerative landscapes, we increase the capacity to produce food even in challenging conditions. These climate-resilient food systems ensure a steady food supply for individuals and communities, contributing to their prosperity and well-being amidst changing climatic circumstances.
  2. Individual Prosperity: Embracing permaculture and participating in the global food and tree growing race not only benefits the planet but also directly enhances the lives of individuals. By cultivating food forests and sustainable agricultural practices, individuals gain access to fresh, nutritious produce, reducing dependency on industrial food systems. Additionally, the development of local food economies and community-based initiatives creates opportunities for entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic prosperity at the individual level. This climate action not only secures the future of our planet but also directly improves the quality of life for individuals like you.

Embracing a Brighter Future

As we embark on the journey from an arms race to a global food and tree growing race, the benefits are manifold. By shifting our priorities towards permaculture practices, we can foster peace, stability, and climate action on a global scale. Moreover, the adoption of sustainable agriculture and the pursuit of food security empower individuals, granting them access to fresh food, economic opportunities, and a sense of purpose in caring for the Earth.

By embracing permaculture and actively participating in the global food and tree growing race, you can play an essential role in creating a more sustainable and abundant future. Whether you start by tending to a small urban food forest in your backyard or advocating for policy changes that prioritize regenerative practices, every action counts. Together, let us sow the seeds of change, cultivate climate action, and a world where peace, prosperity, and ecological harmony thrive.

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Calendula & the Now Age Era

The Calendula Story and the Now Age Era by Franklin Scarf

The attached photos show the brilliant food and medicinal herb Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) growing freely in gardens and containers along Katoomba Street, and throughout public areas in the Blue Mountains of Australia. 

Anyone, anywhere can easily harvest Calendula seeds that awesomely transform from their radiant flowers. When the bright Orange petals disappear, there’s the seed pod just waiting to be harvested. 

Patiently let the seeds dry, then sow them anywhere and everywhere in the world that this public community advancement action can be implemented. 

Calendula’s name derives from the Latin Calendae, referring to its long blooming season –  in certain locales it is said to bloom nearly every month of the calendar year. The species name, Officinalis, refers to its historical use in apothecaries and pharmacopeias as the official medicinal species of its genus.

The numerous calendars recorded in human history, have all existed in the eternal nowwww ~ Humanity has evolved from the old age, through the new age, and the now age is present and will continue forever as now is all there is. The herb Calendula has self-selected to be a symbol for the Now Age Movement for health, peace, love and unity for all humanity.

Helping Calendula grow from seed is easy, even for the brownest of thumbs. Sow the prehistoric-looking seeds directly in moist soil, but not necessary as eventually the rains will come. Carve furrows in the soil and sprinkle in the seeds. Pray a blessing for their successful growth then move forward to plant more seeds

Calendula can thrive in just about any soil. It flowers more profusely in full Sun but can tolerate a little shade. If you live in the subtropics or tropics, try planting it in part shade, or plant it in the fall (it will thrive throughout the winter in warm climates).

Sun bright orange or golden yellow flowers and bright Green nutritious leaves, are historically used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Ruled by the Sun, this classic medicinal herb can help rejuvenate skin and greatly assists in helping heal skin surface wounds. Calendula has long been a staple in home gardens around the world.

Calendula oil is extracted from Calendula flowers and leaves. The oil has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties.

Calendula usually finds its way into the hearts and gardens of all herb lovers.  It has been used for centuries, both internally and topically to help heal wounds, burns, and rashes.

The Sun bright flowers are a traditional remedy for supporting the immune system and lifting the spirits.  If that weren’t enough, the edible flower petals are bursting with antioxidant compounds.

Please consider sharing this everywhere to help sow seeds for love, unity, peace and prosperity for all humanity.

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Vision 2030

An ancient prophecy says:
‘Nations will not learn war any more’
“Now nations and peoples can learn this rhyme and practise
Permaculture, and help grow herbs and veggies, nuts and
fruits, using home-made compost on the roots!
Plant food-forests, clean the air, save old forests everywhere!
Peoples of the world unite! Feed the hungry, make it right.
Lay down weapons, live in peace, let the global conflicts cease.
A love-filled world is what we need. We can all help
sow the seeds. Get the feeling, join the movement,

In the depths of poetic verses, the poem “Vision 2030” unveils a world brimming with promise, a world where nations shun war and embrace a sustainable, peaceful existence. Penned with an optimistic pen, this heartfelt verse captures the essence of a global movement towards permaculture, composting, and Earth repair. Through these sustainable practices, the poem fosters a vision of a bountiful, harmonious future that beckons humanity to come together and create positive change.

Permaculture: Cultivating Abundance through Harmony

At the core of “Vision 2030” lies the concept of permaculture. This holistic approach to agriculture integrates ecological principles, sustainable design, and conscious cultivation. The poem invites nations and peoples to embrace permaculture, recognizing its potential to revolutionize our relationship with the Earth.

Permaculture allows us to nurture the soil and grow herbs, veggies, nuts, and fruits in harmony with nature’s rhythms. By cultivating food forests and adopting regenerative practices, we can restore the Earth’s vitality and create thriving ecosystems that sustain life for generations to come. As we embark on this journey of self-sufficiency and abundance, permaculture becomes a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a sustainable future.

Composting: Feeding the Earth’s Soul

Embedded within the poem’s verses is the vital practice of composting. It highlights the significance of transforming organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, a natural fertilizer that replenishes the Earth’s soil. Through home-made compost, we replenish the very essence of life, nourishing the roots of our plants and fostering healthy growth.

Composting is a simple act with profound implications. By diverting organic waste from landfills, we reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate environmental pollution. The poem’s call to use compost on the roots echoes a powerful message of sustainability and mindful stewardship. As we embrace composting, we take responsibility for our waste and contribute to the Earth’s rejuvenation, one organic matter at a time.

Earth Repair: Healing the Planet

A central theme in “Vision 2030” is the concept of Earth repair. The poem resonates with the urgent need to mend the wounds inflicted upon our planet. It implores nations and individuals to rise above conflict and unite in the pursuit of healing and restoration.

Earth repair encompasses a multifaceted approach, addressing environmental degradation and the preservation of natural habitats. By nurturing food forests, we not only provide sustenance but also cleanse the air and protect the biodiversity that dwells within old forests. This repair work is a testament to our collective commitment to reversing the damage inflicted on the Earth.

A Call to Unity and Action

“Vision 2030” paints a vibrant picture of a love-filled world born out of unity and shared purpose. The poem’s resonating message is clear: it is up to each one of us to sow the seeds of positive change. It beckons us to join a global movement of individuals, communities, and nations, all working together towards a sustainable future.

The poem’s optimism is contagious, encouraging us to set aside our differences and embrace a shared vision. It reminds us that in the face of hunger, conflict, and environmental crises, our collective efforts can make a difference. By feeding the hungry, making peace, and laying down weapons, we contribute to the transformation of our world.


In the realm of “Vision 2030,” hope blooms like flowers in a lush garden. It carries the essence of permaculture, composting, and Earth repair, igniting a spark within us to make sustainable choices and mend the scars of our planet. This poem is not merely a collection of words but a rallying cry, inviting us to step into a future where nations coexist peacefully, where our landscapes thrive with abundance, and where the Earth is restored to its former glory.

As we reflect on the profound themes within “Vision 2030,” let us remember that poetry has the power to inspire action. Let us heed its call to embrace permaculture, composting, and Earth repair, for it is in these transformative practices that we find the path to a sustainable and harmonious future.

Together, let us weave a tapestry of change, one that nourishes our souls, mends the Earth’s wounds, and paves the way for a brighter tomorrow. The seeds of transformation are within us, waiting to be sown. Will we answer the call?

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New Sydney Love City Poster

Welcome to New Sydney Love City, a time capsule that takes you back to 1969 when Kings Cross, Sydney, was the epitome of bohemian culture and counterculture lifestyles. Join us as we delve into the unique aspects of the Kings Cross lifestyle during this era, from vibrant nightlife to artistic expression and a sense of community.

Bohemian Culture: In the heart of New Sydney Love City, bohemian culture thrived. Artists, performers, and intellectuals flocked to Kings Cross, embracing its creative energy. The neighborhood was teeming with art galleries, theaters, and music venues, providing a platform for artistic expression and exploration. Kings Cross became a sanctuary where unconventional minds could flourish.

Nightlife and Entertainment: As the sun set over New Sydney Love City, the streets of Kings Cross transformed into a nocturnal playground. Its vibrant nightlife scene beckoned those in search of excitement and entertainment. Clubs, bars, and cabarets set the stage for electrifying live music performances, soulful jazz sessions, and captivating burlesque shows. Les Girls, a renowned drag cabaret, and The El Rocco Jazz Cellar, with its local and international jazz musicians, stood as testament to the thriving bohemian scene.

Coffee Houses and Cafés: The bohemian lifestyle in New Sydney Love City revolved around coffee houses and cafés. These establishments became meeting grounds for artists, writers, and intellectuals, nurturing discussions and fostering creative collaborations. Within their cozy walls, ideas flowed freely, and inspiration flourished over cups of coffee. These havens of bohemian ambiance and camaraderie formed an integral part of the Kings Cross experience.

Social Activism: New Sydney Love City, like the entire 1960s era, was marked by social and political activism. Kings Cross emerged as a hub for countercultural ideas, protests, and demonstrations. Activists congregated in public spaces, raising their voices for civil rights, women’s rights, and against the Vietnam War. In Kings Cross, dissent found a platform, attracting individuals who challenged the norms and sought to make a difference.

Diverse Community: New Sydney Love City drew people from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. Artists, students, immigrants, and those yearning for unconventional lifestyles found solace in Kings Cross. The neighborhood exuded a sense of community and acceptance, embracing individuals who felt like outsiders elsewhere. This cultural diversity enriched the bohemian lifestyle, injecting it with vibrancy and dynamism.

Street Life and Characters: The streets of New Sydney Love City were alive with eccentricity and artistic expression. Street performers, buskers, poets, and fortune tellers adorned the sidewalks, adding to the neighborhood’s unique allure. Colorful characters roamed the streets, contributing to the tapestry of Kings Cross’s bohemian lifestyle. The streets themselves became a constant source of inspiration and surprise, embodying the spirit of individuality and self-expression that defined the era.

Red-Light District: During the 1960s, New Sydney Love City was known as a red-light district. It housed adult entertainment venues, strip clubs, and brothels, serving as a testament to the neighborhood’s unconventional nature. While this aspect has evolved over time, it played a significant role in shaping Kings Cross’s historical identity, reflecting the countercultural spirit that

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Acquire Health & Immunity Efficiency

The proposal in the following letter was sent to the CEOs of McDonald’s in Australia and the United States on Friday, January 31, 2014. On February 24, a response was received from the McDonald’s Customer Service section in Australia thanking us for the letter and explaining that it is McDonald’s policy not to accept new ideas from outside the Global Corporation. Their letter further stated that they hoped we understood their decision and it is certainly no reflection on any product that we may have to offer. They wished us well with our business.

Because of McDonald’s response, we are now opening the offer to any others who may be interested in investing in the McNaturals name and products which are designed to help people acquire good health and immunity efficiency.

McNatural’s International proposal to McDonald’s Corporation

The purpose of this letter is to offer McDonald’s an opportunity that we believe will bring real benefits to your supportive customers and your international company.

McNaturals accentuates the importance of primarily eating antioxidant and enzyme-empowered raw living foods to help acquire good health, immunity efficiency, reduce obesity, and achieve greater longevity in life. Under the auspices of the Earth Repair Foundation, our group has invested in researching and developing the McNaturals concept for over 30 years. We believe that an alliance between McDonald’s and McNaturals could bring very worthwhile benefits for the health of the community, with special appeal to vegetarians and vegans.

McNaturals is motivating the ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach to be adopted so individuals will take more responsibility for their own well-being, health enhancement, and life extension.

We have prepared genuinely nutritious, plant-based recipes as menu options for McDonald’s to consider to help your customers accelerate the reproduction of body cells, purification of blood, and enable physical and mental rejuvenation boosts. These recipes have been described as unprecedented and are bound to become increasingly popular. A delicious McNaturals raw-living, enzyme, antioxidant and nutrient-rich food product that has been created has its dynamic vitality suspended in a generous size ice block—a powerful health supplement!

One example of a McNaturals initiative is that it has coordinated the production of a petition for Nutritional Education in Schools to the Australian Parliament. The petition is endorsed by the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) (NSW) Inc, the Natural Health Society of Australia, the Earth Repair Foundation, and the United Peoples Association (Australia). See petition attached.

We have been considering opening a McNaturals healthy living foods outlet in Katoomba, Australia, and franchising the name thereafter. Alternatively, we are considering offering, under the protection of a confidentiality agreement, our name and unique recipes to businesses in the fast food industry by expressions of interest. We have decided, however, to offer it to McDonald’s exclusively in the first instance.

The ongoing adverse publicity and movies that have occurred about the meat-based fast food industry such as ‘Super Size Me,’ ‘Fast Food Nation,’ ‘Food Inc,’ and ‘Meat The Truth,’ cannot be ignored (see YouTube). We salute McDonald’s as the world leader in pioneering fast foods and believe that if McDonald’s included the McNaturals name and menu items into its stores (perhaps similar to McCafe), it would be a natural expansion of your brand with strong appeal to the current global interest in healthy eating.

We would welcome an opportunity to discuss a basis for an association. Our unique organic recipes and the transfer of Intellectual Property and naming rights of McNaturals would be available to McDonald’s on an agreed-upon basis. We envisage part of the consideration would be allocated to Ronald McDonald House and Foodbanking.

Please send us a response before Friday, February 21, 2014, as after that time, if McDonald’s is not interested, we would seek to find interest from others.

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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