VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race.
By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.
Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.
Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.
This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary.
Please donate to help spread the word …
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This proposal is for the First Nations Peoples of Australia that comprise more than 300 sovereign nations, and whose history dates back over 50,000 years. It is also for the attention of all who have migrated to Australia from every nation on Earth.
In the pursuit of peaceful coexistence and unity between all peoples in Australia and throughout the world, We the People sharing this state that:
– First Nations Peoples of Australia have never ceded possession of this land and are sovereign people who recognize the Sovereignty of all First Nations Peoples across the Earth, all born free and equal in dignity and human rights;
– Old Parliament House in Canberra be used to unite all the Indigenous First Nations peoples of Australia, and the World, and combined with all other sovereign nations and peoples, create a New Earth organization called ANU, ALL NATIONS UNITED;
– All high-conservation value native forests and lands which support flora and fauna unique to these biodiverse ancient treasures, be permanently protected;
– More investments be made into repairing the environment, conserving biodiversity, improving river systems, and planting and helping grow increasing numbers of native trees to replace all those that have been destroyed;
– To ensure food security for all through educating in bush-tucker and sustainable organic gardening and composting practices to breed Earth worms and make humus-soil to establish abundant food-forests in all appropriate places;
– We ask that Australia lead by example and transition ASAP from mining and burning fossil fuels to using safe renewable energy systems;
– Accurate First Nations history and culture studies to be included in the curriculum of all Australian schools;
– We recommend that Australia’s First Nations People assume collective co-custodianship of all remaining natural environments and protected World Heritage areas for the security of treasured flora and fauna and to enable employment for Indigenous people in international tourism;
– All remote Indigenous communities in Australia to remain open and support be given to improve their living conditions;
– We require reform to the unfair justice system that causes Indigenous children to be taken from their families, deaths in custody, suicides, and disproportionately high representation of Indigenous peoples in the prison system;
– All treaties are to provide an equitable share of profits taken from exploiting traditional and sacred lands to fund establishment of infrastructure for sustainable housing, renewable energy systems, schools, health care, better roads and services, hospitals, and distant learning education for all First Nation peoples;
– We demand long-term solutions to solve the nation’s Indigenous health and homelessness crisis;
– A Council of elected representatives from the First Nations Peoples to be established to govern the Original Peoples Affairs in Australia and be an Original Peoples advisory body to the government.
All First Nation Peoples have the right to equal sovereignty, the same as all United Nations Member States, so that all Nations and Peoples can live in peace and good order. We request that all the World’s Indigenous Peoples be recognized as equal members in the United Nations.
This RECOGNISE FIRST NATIONS SOVEREIGNTY TREATY invites comments from all those interested to help this initiative become what it is capable of becoming. Print this as a poster and display where easily seen to help accelerate the journey towards First Nations Sovereignty Recognition in a way that everyone will feel elated about.
For further insights into the motivations behind this initiative, read the Burnum Burnum Declaration of 1988 and/or Google search for and read the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559 Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.