Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary. Please donate to help spread the word …

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Solution proposal for out of control fires

The devastating global-warming fires raging in the world at this time, destroying many lives, properties and forests and causing great tragedy for many and effecting us all, necessitates the finding and implementing a lateral and global response.

Remembering that similar fiery destruction has recently happened in the last few years in Australia, California, Athens, Russia, Macedonia, Argentina and many other places.

1. We propose that every national government create specialized sectors, with trained personnel, within every national department of defence, to assist the many existing heroic fire fighters world-wide to strengthen our collective defence capabilities.

2. Budgets need to be urgently allocated to create fleets of the most efficient, water bombing aircraft to be based in strategic locations around the world ready to respond to large scale fire outbreaks. This is a matter of urgent priority!

3. Military Air Forces of every nation could start focussing right now on building, or converting suitable aircraft, to effectively deliver water to quell out-of-control fires. Some of the houses that were water bombed in Victoria Australia a few years ago avoided destruction.

Please help broadcast this solution proposal towards finding a way to have it implemented ASAP.

ERF's Blog

Vision 2030
Peace Decade

The VISION 2030 emblem is a modern interpretation of an ancient prophesy that says: ‘Nations will not practise war any more’.

Now is the time for all humanity to unite for peace and make this prophesy actual and factual.

The vision is for a world community of caring and sharing people, working and living in good health and in harmony with all other beings in peace and sustainable abundance.



– Invites everyone to participate in the achievable quest for all nations to transition from wasteful military budgets towards ecosystem restorations and creating abundant and sustainable food-forests in urban and rural areas everywhere.
– Encourages people to learn and practice the minimum-maintenance, maximum-yield principles of permaculture and how to live long, healthy, and sustainable lives.
– Motivates for all continuously available and appropriate biodegradable materials to be composted via hygienic, continuously aerobic, no-dig composting methods with bins made from 100% recycled plastics. This is to enable the breeding of increasing numbers of earthworms and massive volumes of humus-soil to use to replenish Earth’s depleted top-soils and help nature to organically grow food-forests in the majority of home yards and all other appropriate places.
– Planting and helping grow an abundance of home garden food-forests will create ethical, honourable, and practical employment.
– Growing increasing numbers of eco-villages in urban areas in every nation will provide an abundance of fresh, healthy living foods for all present and future generations.

Permaculture learning is suggested to be integrated into all educational systems and institutions, including correctional centres, refugee and asylum-seeking centres, and tent cities for the homeless. Permaculture is a social design science that is already helping humanity to thrive. Learn more now by searching and browsing through the hundreds of pages of picture stories and numerous videos on the internet. Permaculture Ethics are: Earth Care; People Care; Fair Share.

– Establishing efficient food and medicine gardens as productive learning and growing centres in home and school yards, community spaces, detention centres, and gaols.
– Lobbying all levels of local, state, and national governments to enable everyone to participate in earth repair actions for a sustainable, peaceful, and abundant future.
– VISION 2030 supports local and global cooperation to help mitigate climate change, create honourable employment, and help end world hunger.


Please share this page with friends and family, community leaders and organisations, government ministers and the media. Thank you.

The VISION 2030 PROJECT has been developed by the Earth Repair Foundation combined with: Transition Blue Mountains; Permaculture Blue Mountains; United Peoples Association Australia; and the Sustainability Research Institute, Australia.

Earth Repair Foundation (ERF) PO Box 503 Katoomba 2780

ERF's Blog


A GLOBAL CALL OUT to talented rappers and/or music producers who may be interested in co-creating the following brief and succinct ‘thought-seeding’ rhyme, in a clear and strong female or male voice to create an effective educational production that may be loved by everyone. If done well enough, it may possibly help bring some extra sanity to humanity.

There’s bound to be someone, somewhere, willing, or who would just love to help make such a thing happen. Suggestions are invited and would be welcomed! Please share this until it becomes a world-wide success.

Earth Repair Peace Rap
Earth Repair is in the air,
Feel it, Think it, Live it, Yeah,
Beat the Drum, Boom, Boom,
Boom, Boom,

Beat the Drum for Earth Repair

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom

(Creative percussion drum beats between verses are to sow these thought-seeds deeply into human consciousness).

Grow Herbs and Veggies, Nuts and Fruits,
Use Homemade Compost on the Roots,
Plant Food Forests, Clean the Air,
Save Old Forests Everywhere

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom

Peoples of the World Unite,
Feed the Hungry, Make it Right,
Lay down weapons, Live in Peace,
Let the Global conflicts Cease

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom

A Peace-Filled World is What We Need,
We can all Help Sow the Seeds,
Get the Feeling, Join the Movement,
Earth Repair for World Improvement

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom


© 2022, Earth Repair Foundation (ERF) with Sandy Holmes from the GloWorms.

ERF's Blog

Permaculture Design Certificates




This Thought-Seeding statement is prompting people of every nation to lobby all levels of their local, state and national governments to enable the 72-hour curriculum of Permaculture learning to be integrated into all youth, refugee and asylum-seeking detention centres, as well as in correctional services facilities, refugee camps, and Tent Cities for the Homeless.

Furthermore, the 72 hours of Permaculture learning, now more than ever, need to be included in all schools, colleges, universities, and all other institutes of education. This vital information can be learned over weeks, months, and/or years. Anyone can begin learning from now by browsing through the thousands of pages of picture stories and videos by searching for Permaculture stories on Google.

Detailed descriptions of the following 12 Principles of permaculture design can be easily found by a simple Google search:
1. Observe and Interact.
2. Catch and Store Energy.
3. Obtain a Yield.
4. Apply Self-Regulation and Accept Feedback.
5. Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services.
6. Produce No Waste.

Permaculture ethics are: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Efficient food and medicine gardens can be established as productive learning and growing centres in home and school yards, community gardens, detention centres, and jails. Within a decade, increasing numbers of abundant food-forests and eco-villages will be growing in every country. Permaculture action enables everyone to participate in earth repair actions for a sustainable and abundant future for everybody.

Permaculture shows how to co-operate with all of Earth’s elements, species, climates, and peoples, enabling everyone to live lives filled with absolute sustainable abundance in harmony with the Sun, the earth/soil, the wind, and the rain.

Please share this post with friends and family, community organisations, government ministers, and social and mainstream media.

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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