Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary. Please donate to help spread the word …

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A GLOBAL CALL OUT to talented rappers and/or music producers who may be interested in co-creating the following brief and succinct ‘thought-seeding’ rhyme, in a clear and strong female or male voice to create an effective educational production that may be loved by everyone. If done well enough, it may possibly help bring some extra sanity to humanity.

There’s bound to be someone, somewhere, willing, or who would just love to help make such a thing happen. Suggestions are invited and would be welcomed! Please share this until it becomes a world-wide success.

Earth Repair Peace Rap
Earth Repair is in the air,
Feel it, Think it, Live it, Yeah,
Beat the Drum, Boom, Boom,
Boom, Boom,

Beat the Drum for Earth Repair

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom

(Creative percussion drum beats between verses are to sow these thought-seeds deeply into human consciousness).

Grow Herbs and Veggies, Nuts and Fruits,
Use Homemade Compost on the Roots,
Plant Food Forests, Clean the Air,
Save Old Forests Everywhere

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom

Peoples of the World Unite,
Feed the Hungry, Make it Right,
Lay down weapons, Live in Peace,
Let the Global conflicts Cease

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom

A Peace-Filled World is What We Need,
We can all Help Sow the Seeds,
Get the Feeling, Join the Movement,
Earth Repair for World Improvement

Boom Boom – Boom Boom Boom


© 2022, Earth Repair Foundation (ERF) with Sandy Holmes from the GloWorms.

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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