Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary. Please donate to help spread the word …

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The Earth Repair Foundation (ERF) grew out of helping startup the Greening Australia organisation in the early 1980s. After learning about the damaged state of Earth’s environment, ERF was incorporated in Sydney in 1987. Since that time, Team ERF has co-ordinated production of the acclaimed and evolving Earth Repair Charter global solution strategy. ERF is an independent, self-funded, voluntary, non-government organisation (NGO) and contributes to the global earth repair movement for community advancement and world improvement.

The Earth Repair Foundation:

• Motivates for world-wide adoption of the Earth Repair Charter and the Vision 2030 campaign to increasingly become the most prominent theme in helping create a Decade for Peace ~ 2021 ~ 2030, and inner and world peace for this new millennium and beyond;

• Aspires to encourage people everywhere to research and learn about adopting the principles and ethics of permaculture and other world’s best practice systems, to help change the arms race into establishing a global, community-driven, organic food and tree growing race for a sustainable and peaceful 21st Century;

• Promotes widely the practice of hygienic, continuously aerobic, no-dig, earth repair composting using ingenious, durable, compost bins made from 100% recycled plastics. Properly managed, these bins help breed increasing numbers of earthworms who create humus-rich soil that can help grow abundant permaculture-designed, minimum-maintenance, maximum-yield food-forests in home-gardens everywhere. This will lead to sustainable eco-villages progressively emerging from within the suburbs of towns and cities around the world,

• Finalising a comprehensive ‘Back From The Future’ (2030) Movie Outline designed to inspire, educate and motivate all present and future generations,

• Invites artists and partners to help complete and distribute a proposed multi-language ‘Sustainability Learning Poster’ for every educational institution,

• Prompts people to regularly consume nutrient-dense foods and drinks to help reverse disease and acquire good health and immunity efficiency,

• Invites and warmly welcomes donations to help enable this voluntary work to grow. We thank you in advance for any small or large contributions you may invest;

• ERF as an acronym represents Earth Repair First, Earth Repair Family, Earth Repair Friends, Earth Repair Funding, Earth Repair Festivals and Earth Repair for a Fabulous Future.

~ Please subscribe and participate in any way you can at Earth Repair

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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