Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary. Please donate to help spread the word …

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The proposal in the following letter was sent to the CEOs of McDonald’s in Australia and the United States on Friday, January 31, 2014. On February 24, a response was received from the McDonald’s Customer Service section in Australia thanking us for the letter and explaining that it is McDonald’s policy not to accept new ideas from outside the Global Corporation. Their letter further stated that they hoped we understood their decision and it is certainly no reflection on any product that we may have to offer. They wished us well with our business.

Because of McDonald’s response, we are now opening the offer to any others who may be interested in investing in the McNaturals name and products which are designed to help people acquire good health and immunity efficiency.

McNatural’s International proposal to McDonald’s Corporation

The purpose of this letter is to offer McDonald’s an opportunity that we believe will bring real benefits to your supportive customers and your international company.

McNaturals accentuates the importance of primarily eating antioxidant and enzyme-empowered raw living foods to help acquire good health, immunity efficiency, reduce obesity, and achieve greater longevity in life. Under the auspices of the Earth Repair Foundation, our group has invested in researching and developing the McNaturals concept for over 30 years. We believe that an alliance between McDonald’s and McNaturals could bring very worthwhile benefits for the health of the community, with special appeal to vegetarians and vegans.

McNaturals is motivating the ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach to be adopted so individuals will take more responsibility for their own well-being, health enhancement, and life extension.

We have prepared genuinely nutritious, plant-based recipes as menu options for McDonald’s to consider to help your customers accelerate the reproduction of body cells, purification of blood, and enable physical and mental rejuvenation boosts. These recipes have been described as unprecedented and are bound to become increasingly popular. A delicious McNaturals raw-living, enzyme, antioxidant and nutrient-rich food product that has been created has its dynamic vitality suspended in a generous size ice block—a powerful health supplement!

One example of a McNaturals initiative is that it has coordinated the production of a petition for Nutritional Education in Schools to the Australian Parliament. The petition is endorsed by the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) (NSW) Inc, the Natural Health Society of Australia, the Earth Repair Foundation, and the United Peoples Association (Australia). See petition attached.

We have been considering opening a McNaturals healthy living foods outlet in Katoomba, Australia, and franchising the name thereafter. Alternatively, we are considering offering, under the protection of a confidentiality agreement, our name and unique recipes to businesses in the fast food industry by expressions of interest. We have decided, however, to offer it to McDonald’s exclusively in the first instance.

The ongoing adverse publicity and movies that have occurred about the meat-based fast food industry such as ‘Super Size Me,’ ‘Fast Food Nation,’ ‘Food Inc,’ and ‘Meat The Truth,’ cannot be ignored (see YouTube). We salute McDonald’s as the world leader in pioneering fast foods and believe that if McDonald’s included the McNaturals name and menu items into its stores (perhaps similar to McCafe), it would be a natural expansion of your brand with strong appeal to the current global interest in healthy eating.

We would welcome an opportunity to discuss a basis for an association. Our unique organic recipes and the transfer of Intellectual Property and naming rights of McNaturals would be available to McDonald’s on an agreed-upon basis. We envisage part of the consideration would be allocated to Ronald McDonald House and Foodbanking.

Please send us a response before Friday, February 21, 2014, as after that time, if McDonald’s is not interested, we would seek to find interest from others.

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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