Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary. Please donate to help spread the word …

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Acknowledgements of contributors who have helped make the Earth Repair Solution Strategy possible.

Many people over decades have been part of researching and refining the wording of the self-evident and achievable solutions offered in the VISION 2030 Earth Repair Charter Global Solution Strategy.

Acknowledgement with sincere gratitude is expressed by the Earth Repair Foundation (Team ERF) to all the contributors who have helped the growth of this earth repair initiative. To everyone who has participated so far during the last 35 years and more, directly or indirectly, and also to others yet to help, may abundant blessings always be with you all for your continuous enjoyment of optimistic nowist thinking, the latest time as your greatest best time, and knowing that even better is yet to come along with ever-increasing feelings of peace, love, freedom, and happiness.

Listed below in semi-alphabetical order are the names of some of the many participants and contributors.

• Angel, Adam and Gaia, ERF children, supporters
• Adrian Roberts, Achintya Govinda Dasa, video producer,
advisor, supporter
• Alexander and Emily Boubani (Emal), supporters
• Alfred Schmidt, IT Support, RIP
• Ben Hope, (Gidon Kezelman) health researcher, advisor
• Benny Zable, advisor, supporter, performance artist
• Bhima Emz, supporter
• Bob Brown, Charter endorser
• Brendan McNamara, IT advice, support
• Brooke Watson, advisor, supporter
• Burnum Burnum, ancestor, spirit guide, Charter endorser
• Chris, Alison & Rodney Towerton, supporters, advisors
• Christopher and Linda Dean, supporters
• Dalai Lama, Charter endorser
• David Beattie, elder advisor, RIP
• David Suzuki, inspirer, Charter endorser
• Deborah Harbin, contributor advisor
• Douglas Brown, Secretary/Treasure, New Earth Therapeutic Society (NETS)
• Dudley Leggett, Director, Sustainability Research
Institute, Charter endorser
• Duncan Roads, Nexus Magazine, advisor, supporter
• Dylan Wood, Video Production, IT support, networking
• Evie Pikler, music contributor, advisor
• Faith Hope Charity, researcher/advisor
• Felicity Presnell, supporter, advisor
• Florian Altendorfer, IT support, networking
• Fred Klerk, Community Garden Supporter
• Frazer Kirkman, friend, advisor, IT support
• Franklin MC Scarf JP, ERF’s Founder. FMCS Resume
• Geoffrey BW Little JP, The Smiling Policeman, supporter
• Glen Craig, Artistic contributor
• Grahame King, Indigenous liaison
• Helen and Max Droga, volunteers
• Ian Bridges, IT support
• Jan Thornleigh, advisor, supporter
• Jenny Kee, Charter endorser
• Jeremy and Daemon Wozniak, IT supporters, advisors
• Jonathan Bevan, LLB, advisor, Charter endorser
• Josie Vendramini, advisor, supporter
• Julia Kierth, Inner Light Foundation, generous supporter, RIP
• Kalani and Lucius Gacon, video support
• Karyn Nash, advisor, supporter, promoter, RIP
• Keith Suter, advisor and Charter endorser
• Lindsay Mell and Sandy Yang, supporters
• Lindy Carrington, ZZL, researcher and advisor
• Leila Wedd and Family, supporter, artist, advisor
• LoveLisa, Seedsaver, advisor, supporter
• Matt Cole, advisor, supporter
• Marcos Garcia Ronciera, researcher, supporter, RIP
• Matt and Erin Stagg, Data Fidelity, IT support
• Matti Heinonen, video support
• Michael Byrt, advisor, supporter
• Michael Galvin, environmental engineer, scientist,
advisor, supporter
• Michael J Connolly, permaculture teacher, supporter
• Michael Jones, advisor, supporter
• Michael Lynn, supporter, art advisor
• Michael Pilarski, Friends of the Trees, and convener
of the Global Earth Repair Foundation Conference and Summit.
• Michael Ney, IT support
• Mookx, Shanto, Nuro and Madhu for many priceless
creative contributions
• Olivia Sperzel, research assistant, supporter
• Paul Shelley, advisor, supporter and marketer
• Penny Berlin, website developer
• Peter Shenstone, Planet Ark, advisor, supporter
• Philip Roberts, BFA, Artist, supporter
• Raffaella Washington, advisor, research assistant
• Renata Be, advisor, supporter,
• Richard Jones, advisor and Charter endorser
• Richard St Barbe Baker (Dr) Founder, Man of the Trees
• Robyn Jackson, advisor, research assistant
• Rosalinda Perido, M.Mgmt, Business Admin Advisor
• Rosco Welch, advisor, RIP
• Rowan Bourner, volunteer gardener, supporter
• Samir and Susi Touma, advisors
• Salima/Lynn Harvison, advisor, research assistant
• Sharon Wilkinson, BLMC (Hons) ERF volunteer
• Shirin Ripoll, supporter
• Shirley Lewis, BagLady Productions, supporter
• Shoshanna Brenner, supporter
• Simon Bull, supporter, marketing activist
• Solihin Millin, mentor, advisor, supporter
• Spring Blossom, advisor, activist
• Stephen Tripp, writer, musician, supporter
• Steve Harrison, Amazing Photoshop art contributor
• Su Patterson and Family, UK supporters
• Susan Pearce, book keeping
• Swift and Vernon Treweeke, Art and Music contributors
• Tahni and Brodi Devine, supporters
• Tara Whitie, WordPress developer
• Ted Imsirovic, landscaper
• Thelonious and SunRa, art and media
• The Kennedy Family, ERF HQ building owners
• The Scarf Brothers & Sisters, friends and supporters
• Tony Young, Media support
• Trinity Scarf and Chrissi Hayward, supporters
• Trish, Majella & Tobias Donoghue, advisors, supporters
• UNAA (NSW) Inc, Executive Committee, Environment
Program and Blue Mountains Branch, support
• Uncle Guboo Ted Thomas, Ancestor and Spirit Guide
• Varunee, Stephen, Jake and Jaquie Minchin, supporters
• Vegan Katy, editor, supporter
• Will Smith and Family, advisors, supporters

This list will increase as progress advances …

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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