Earth Repair Foundation

VISION 2030 is thought-seeding to change the arms race to a global, community driven, organic food and tree growing race. 

By using permaculture principles and ethics and other proven best-practice systems, each of us and all humanity can participate in helping stabilise Earth’s climate and enable permanent food security for all present and future generations.

Composting and permaculture home organic food-forest gardening are among the primary cornerstones of the global earth repair movement and is how most people can participate.

Earth Repair or ‘Sense of Humus’ urban composting bins are hygienic, continuously aerobic, and are a no-dig system. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastics.


This thought-seeding art is 100% voluntary. Please donate to help spread the word …

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Help make Peace on Earth with this PLAN FOR PEACE.

Part of the plan is to motivate the creation of Multi-Faith Now-Age Learning Centres in all appropriate places throughout the world. These will help educate people to co-exist in harmony as one family, sharing the Earth as a common home.  Ideally, the essence of the knowledge will be in the conscious awareness of each individual person, dedicated to optimistic thinking and Now as the latest best time for all humanity. 

You are invited to participate in this Plan For Peace to help honour the countless numbers of people throughout time who have unjustly died at the hands of aggressors; particularly those who continue to suffer human rights abuses today.

Optimistic Nowist Thinking consists of applying the most practical knowledge and useful wisdom from every religion, faith and philosophical ideology, towards the creation of a safer, saner, healthier, happier and more loving world for everyone.

Nowists are people who are dedicated to the optimistic way, enjoying the latest moments as their best time knowing that even better is yet to come. Optimistic Nowist Thinkers aspire to always look on the positive side of life with an attitude of gratitude. They’re confident about turning difficulties into opportunities and transforming problems into solutions.

The World Unity and Peace emblem contains icons and symbols representing most of the diverse beliefs that have influenced humanity throughout history. This emblem is designed to motivate achievement of inner and world peace for enjoyment by everybody and to prompt unity and co-operation between all religions, faiths, ideologies, philosophies, schools of thought, peoples and nations.

The icons embraced within the emblem collectively represent the ideological beliefs of the majority of the world’s peoples. From the top they include in clockwise order: Australian Aboriginal; Indigenous American and Canadian; Polynesian; Tribal African; Rastafarian; Communism; Socialism; Paganism; Science; Bahai; Sufism; Islam; Christianity; Judaism; Egyptian; Taoism; Hinduism; Sikhism; Mayans; Shintoism; Buddhism; and Zororastrianism. 

Now is the best time for each one of us to recognise and respect ourselves and every other person as a unique, original, unrepeatable, valuable and important citizen of Earth and member of an awesome human family. We all are sovereign-born and free and equal in dignity and human rights. We share this beautiful world with billions of other kindred spirits and aspire to attain and maintain inner and world peace.

One purpose of this initiative is to create a World Unity and Peace web site containing authentic, succinct and concise summaries of the history and essential precepts of each ideology. 

People are invited to participate and selections of practical knowledge and useful wisdom from every culture will then be included in a Now-Age book with accompanying mind-vitamin thought-seed poster-cards of self-evident truths for wide circulation and open display. 

Selections can be read at community gatherings of Churches, Houses of Worship, Mosques, Shrines, Synagogues and Temples throughout the world.

It is proposed that elected leaders from each group participate in researching and developing the very best descriptive summaries of each school of thought, for inclusion in the website and book, towards helping all to realise their inner-peace, transcend differences with all others, peacefully co-exist and fully enjoy healthy, happy and loving lives. The poster-cards, well-placed, will continuously radiate an inspirational and educational influence 24/7.

The Council for World Unity and Peace proposal has been created in response to an Earth Repair Charter directive which states: “Encourage all religions, faiths, nations and peoples to co-exist in harmony as one family sharing the Earth as our common home”.  

The one-page global-vision Charter has been produced to promote implementation of a long-term world-wide action plan for a future free from wars, and humanity united in peace. The Charter presents succinct, practical, self-evident and achievable solutions.  The Charter can be seen at

To effectively enhance the future for everyone, only one generation needs to be positively influenced to think and act more wisely to help improve the world for all.

Most recognise that inner peace and world peace are interrelated. Peace on Earth depends on the level of peace within each individual. Peace can be found in the Here and the Now within every single one of us as a hidden splendor, nearer than hands and feet and closer than breathing. It simply waits there to be realised and experienced.

The proposed World Unity and Peace website, Wisdom Book and posters, are to provide a positive and optimistic approach to enable better understanding between different beliefs. Nowwww is recognised as the common uniting element. The quest is to reveal useful wisdom and valuable knowledge to enable each person to experience continuous and increasing peaceful happiness.

Included in the productions will be the astronomical perspective and humanity’s position in the infinite universe. It is to cover outer and inner space and awareness of infinity and eternity consciousness, past, present and future.

Now more than ever, let’s all do everything we can to help peace grow in the world. Think peace. Talk peace. Love peace. Eat for peace. Resolve conflicts for peace. Walk for peace. Smile for peace. Enjoy inner peace and vision world peace.  Make and wear Peace Now badges or T-shirts. Write letters and sign petitions for a Ministry or Department for Peace in every country. Make and display White flags or placards for peace. Help grow food forests for peace. In silence or audibly, regularly sing, chant or think ‘peace nowwww’  for an instant mood-elevating experience.

Please share and network this information with your local State and Federal Members of Parliament, religious and community leaders, social and mainstream media and with family and friends. 

Help lobby governments everywhere to support this plan as a worthy priority. Media’s participation is encouraged to publicise this plan as priority news.

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Plan For Peace

Help make Peace on Earth with this PLAN FOR PEACE All are invited to participate in this Plan For Peace to help honor the countless

Acknowledgement Of Contributors

Acknowledgements of contributors who have helped make the Earth Repair Solution Strategy possible. Many people over decades have been part of researching and refining the

All are invited to participate in helping advance this voluntary initiative.  By donating to help this work continue, you are investing into a more sustainable and  peaceful future.

Thanks in advance  for any small or large contribution.  Please subscribe and be in touch. 

Direct Credit to Commonwealth Bank Australia, Account name: Earth Repair Foundation, BSB: 062-559  Account # 0090 5301 or fill in the form below.

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